The Never ending Struggle of Finding a happy balance with work and personal life as a business owner

Photo By Lucas Bordião Balancing Work and Personal Life as a Business Owner As a business owner, it can be challenging to balance work and personal life. The demands of running a business can often spill over into personal time, leaving little room for relaxation and enjoyment. However, finding satisfaction in both work and personal life is essential for overall well-being and success. Here are some tips on how to…  Read more

Financially Savvy Women: 5 Strategies to Improve Your Financial Literacy

It is well established that financial literacy is a key component of financial independence. The more you know and understand about finance, the better equipped you are to make important decisions. Historically, women have had lower financial literacy scores than men for many reasons, including social norms, a lack of access to resources, and needing to focus on other issues. That said, women are living longer than men and studies…  Read more

6 tips to paying down your personal debt in 2023

2023 is expensive. The cost of living is higher than ever, interest rates keep rising, and it keeps getting harder to stay afloat, let alone get ahead. As a result, carrying debt has become commonplace. But, with the challenges of the past few years, many of us have more debt than we’re comfortable with. How do you get ahead while you’re still trying to catch up? Here are some tips…  Read more

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